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“Polar Bears and Electric Plugs: Green Shopping and Twenty-First Century Queer American Masculinity.” Ch. 10 of Ecomasculinities: Negotiating Male Gender Identity in U.S. Fiction, Eds. R. Cenamor and S. L. Brandt, Ecocritical Theory and Practice Series, Lexington Books. Pp. 161-176. 2019.

“Queer Economies: Possibilities of Queer Desires and Economic Bodies (Because ‘The Economy’ Is Not Enough).” Chapter 11 of Global Justice and Desire: Queering Economy. Nikita Dhiwan, Antke Engel, Christoph F. E. Holzhey, and Volker Woltersdorff, Editors. New York: Routledge Press. Pp. 195-212. 2015. heiliger-queer-economies-possibilities-of-queer-desires-and-economic-bodies_social_justice_global_justice_and_desire_queering_economy

“Coffee ‘Tied With a Pink Ribbon’: Transgender Phenomena and Transnational Feminisms in Twenty-First Century Ethical Consumer Movements.” Reconstruction: Studies in Contemporary Culture. 13:2. Summer 2013.

“Ado(red), Abhor(red), Disappea(red): Fashioning Race, Poverty and Morality Under Product (Red)™.” Chapter 9 of Fashion Talks: Undressing the Power of Style, Shira Tarrant and Marjorie Jolles, Editors. Albany, NY: SUNY Press. Pp. 149-164. 2012. heiliger-red-writing-sample